Nourishing Triplets

"Grateful to Siobhan for the excellent advice, treatment and help in having very healthy triplets."

· Testimonials,Other-Conditions

After discovering I was expecting triplets Siobhan advised me to take herbs and supplements to help with nourishing triplets. Read my story here:

I first attended Siobhan Kehoe when I was three/four weeks pregnant. I wanted to be healthy during my pregnancy. I also have ulcerative colitis and did not wish to continue taking the medication during the pregnancy.

Siobhan gave me some herbs and started me on green barley, Spirulina and gave me herbs as I was Yin Deficient also. I was extremely thirsty which Siobhan said I was lacking fluid.

Siobhan advised me to keep an eye on any flare-up from my ulcerative colitis as I may need to go back on my medication. My bowel with Siobhan’s herbs and supplements became completely normal. Better than it had been in years.

I had an early scan at 12 weeks and to our absolute joy and shock, I found out I was having triplets, all with their own placentas. Siobhan discussed with me the importance in having a healthy diet and gave me lots of really good advice. She explained I needed protein to make blood and the blood would make the placenta nourish the babies. The herbs and supplements she explained were full of nutrients and would keep me nutrient enriched to nourish the babies, which she felt I needed especially with a history of Ulcerative Colitis. My bowel thankfully with Siobhan’s treatment remained completely normal throughout the pregnancy and I did not need to go back on my medication.

I was monitored regularly in a Dublin Hospital during my pregnancy. The aim of the gynaecologist was to get me to 34 week gestation. The gynaecologist was always very happy with the babies’ measurement on the scans.

My babies were born at 34 weeks as planned. The Doctors commented they had never seen so much fluid around triplets and how healthy all three babies were. They needed minimal oxygen. Their weights were 4lb 7oz, 4lb 9oz and 4lb 15oz. They were all home within 2 weeks and have continued to be very healthy.

I always felt very confident going to Siobhan for antenatal treatment, knowing she was a midwife. I was very healthy during my pregnancy, with good energy and people commented on how healthy I looked. I also attended her post-natally for some herbs and supplements to give me energy and help me recover well. This worked very well for me.

I am very grateful to have heard about Siobhan and for the excellent advice and treatment she gave me in helping me have my very healthy triplets and also with my own health.

Mary-Therese, Wexford

Siobhan Kehoe Fertility Treatment Centre