On Wednesday 29th June 2011, I finally took the plunge and made an appointment with Siobhán Kehoe. For months I had convinced myself I'll be pregnant next month, but it never seemed to happen. I was in denial. I had been off the pill since September, 2010. My cycle was normal between 29 to 37 days, ''Why wasn't I pregnant .....''
I had heard of how Siobhán had helped a friend of a friend back in February and she actually advised me to go and see her then, but I had put it off until reality eventually hit home.
On the 5th July (day 7 of my period) I visited Siobhán's practice. I was so nervous, in the space of an hour she was able to tell me so much by examining my tongue. Things which I had never thought about like ''why are your periods dark and clotty''. I actually thought that was normal. By the end of our appointment Siobhán advised me that I was a straight forward case, I was so relieved. She immediately started me on herbs, advised me to go to a nutritionist and told me to listen to my body, something I had never done especially around ovulation time. When I returned to my car I set myself a new goal ''clean up your act, get yourself eating healthier and loose a stone in weight and I'll be pregnant by the end of the year with Siobhán's help.''
Within days of my first visit to Siobhán, I noticed a huge difference in myself, my skin was glowing, I was no longer bloated and I had so much more energy. That was all down to the acupuncture and herbs that Siobhán had provided along with healthy eating. All my family and work colleagues even commented on how healthier I looked.
On day 28th I returned to Siobhán for my 2nd visit, I was a new girl. I advised her that I was awaiting my period. I received another course of acupuncture and she supplied me with more herbs. Siobhán also said that my period, if it came, should be very different to what it used to be. Be prepared for it to be quite red.
I waited and waited for that period, it never came. On day 40 I decided enough was enough, I did a pregnancy test and with great excitement my Husband and I discovered that I was pregnant, nearly 6 weeks. We were over the moon. After only 2 visits to Siobhán I was able to ring her and thank her so much for all her help. We owe Siobhán so much, words cannot explain how thankful we are. I can put my hand on my heart and honestly say that if it was not for Siobhán, I would not have gotten pregnant so easy.
Our healthy baby girl was born at term.
Catriona, Enniscorthy