We attended Siobhan in early 2019 after trying for over 18 months with no luck. I was in my late 20's and my husband in his early 30's. We completed Fertility Testing and were advised ICSI straight away. This was based primarily on my husband's results as the results sheet A and B were not high rates. Personally, I am an Anxious person so felt this contributed to our challenges as according to the IVF clinic I was textbook ok.
It all felt very clinical, so when I heard about Siobhan, we were both open to trying alternative routes, before committing to the IVF cost.
We met with Siobhán in April 2019 and within seconds literally seconds she had our personalities summed up to perfection, it was scarily true ,an incredible personal experience in comparison to the IVF environment. She had reviewed my husbands result and basically said that C and D on the sheet were the cause of the poor results of A and B and that is what we needed to work on, something the IVF clinic never even mentioned. Siobhán really addressed everything, even something as simple as I was suffering nosebleeds quite regularly and PMS symptoms I just took as the norm, she said these are not normal.
Leaving Siobhán that day, we felt we had some control but also things felt positive. I had read all the testimonials, and most were within weeks couples were pregnant so I did leave with that expectation deep down.
We had a tough summer, I lost my Dad and looking back didn't realize the impact that would have had but by October we went back to visit Siobhán, she was sympathetic and helped adjust our supplements. She advised me I needed to stop giving to others, I was delighted telling her that I had donated blood for the first time as usually my Iron was low but with her supplements, I was able and yet her response was - you are still giving to others you need to prioritize yourself. I continued with the supplements, Castor Oil treatment and working on myself and my PMS symptoms subsided massively.
Time passed and our optimism really fell, April 2020 a year later. we went back to Siobhán and after reading her testimonials I felt a little lost as we were no closer. Together my husband and I were on a great track as we had really listened to her advice on Trust, Truth and Love and even my husband took a career break to follow his cooking passion. However, we felt maybe it was time to chat with Siobhán about how she could help us with IVF. Siobhán was adamant we would not need IVF but was happy to support us. We underwent fertility tests again and were stunned that following the year with Siobhán neither of us had issues and the clinic just stated 'Unexplained' and the fact that I was now in my 30's, we should look to ICSI. This time we put plans into motion, and ICSI was scheduled for Sept with treatment starting 3rd of August. On the 31st of July, I had a positive pregnancy test, we couldn't believe it - Siobhán was right we didn't need IVF. The pregnancy went well, I was 12 weeks on my dad's first anniversary, and it felt special telling my family. Our little boy was born in April 2021 and is now a happy 18 month old. We are just over the moon and so grateful for Siobhan’s support.
Siobhán really helps you on self development and highlighting and supporting areas you can work on at an emotional level, she explained how my anxiety could pass to a child, how both my husband and I needed to slow down to allow time for a child. At times as a couple you feel lost and reading some of the testimonials it can be daunting as you feel if you don't conceive within the first few months maybe it isn't working. Timing when you're trying to conceive can be slow. I just want to give couples hope, that working with Siobhán and trusting her can really help you on your way for your dream baby and really try trust the timing even when you don't see the light at end of the tunnel at the time. Hindsight is a great thing as looking back I can clearly see why we struggled some months to conceive as we just didn't give ourselves time for us, we were constantly on the go.
We are hopeful we can try for number 2 and trying to be calm and positive that it won't take as long.
Wish you all so much hope X
Laura, James & Dexter