Five Failed IVF, Four Miscarriages & Poor Morphology

Pregnant on Herbs After Five Weeks

· Miscarriages,Male-Infertility,Failed IVF

After 4 long years, 5 rounds of IVF including a donor embryo cycle and 4 miscarriages we felt we needed a different approach on our journey to start a family. We met with Siobhán in May 2017 seeking advice as John had a very poor semen analysis. His morphology was only 1% normal shaped sperm.

After 5 weeks on a strict diet, supplements and Chinese herbs as recommended by Siobhán we found out I was pregnant. I continued to take herbs and supplements throughout my pregnancy and our little girl arrived safely into the world on the 9th March 2018 weighing 7lbs 9.5oz at 40+2. After the birth of our little girl we both continued on the diet recommended by Siobhán and continued to take the supplements. We still can't believe it! I am 13 weeks pregnant with twins and so far everything is going well with the pregnancy. I have been down to Siobhán for herbs and have been taking them every day. If someone had of told us 12 months ago we would be sitting here looking at our beautiful little girl and twins on the way we wouldn't have believed you. We feel like we have struck gold and can never thank Siobhán enough for her help in making our dreams come true. If I could offer any advice it would be don't give up we always believed we would be parents we didn't know how long it would take or how much money it would cost but we knew it would happen.

Update: Our healthy twin girls were born at term in March 2019.


Rachel and John Collins - Co. Tipperary