I'm 36 years old, my husband is 37 years old and we are 37 weeks pregnant. We are scared and excited about what lies ahead but couldn't be happier! I am certain that we would not be where we are today with the imminent arrival of our long awaited miracle baby, without the help and support of Siobhán Kehoe and her TCM and acupuncture methods.
We had been trying to conceive for over one and a half years by the time we sought help with Siobhan. We had decided to give the alternative medicine route a go before we went down the fertility treatment IVF route as my husband was worried about the stress that would have on me as I'm a natural worrier. After 4 or 5 months seeing Siobhan the natural worrying and impatience was starting to creep in so we went for some tests in the rotunda IVF clinic just to put my mind at ease. All the results were fine but the doctors recommended we go for either IUI or IVF. After discussing we decided that we would continue to stick for longer with Siobhan and agreed to wait another 6 months before going the IVF path. If anything we agreed it would make us both healthier and prepare me mentally for the IVF process. Little did we know that as we left the IVF doctor’s offices that day I was in fact pregnant! We had conceived naturally following 6 months of treatment with Siobhan, 2 years into our fertility journey!!!
When we first met Siobhan she diagnosed us within minutes after looking at our tongues! She knew straight away from me that I was an organiser, a project manager and a controlled person who minded everyone in my family over me! Our treatment plan was a mix of herbs, acupuncture, nutritional advice and most importantly for me involved meditation and self love techniques e.g. gratification & affirmations which were essentially to ensure that I was being more self-full and working towards removing things I did not enjoy or that did not make me happy. I combined the visits to Siobhan with visits to a fertility life coach that Siobhan recommended to help me work on this area. One of the techniques Siobhan got me to work on was to visualise our baby looking down at us and knowing that I had created space for him/her in our lives and that I was no longer giving away all that love to others as I had done before. It all might sound a bit farfetched and fluffy but honestly teaching myself to change the habits of a lifetime to concentrate only on what was important for me and my husband and our future baby was a tough task but one that will benefit me for the rest of my life and one that I will continue to work at. Throughout my pregnancy I am continuing to apply many of the same techniques Siobhan taught me to control fear and anxiety during my pregnancy.
Throughout the process with Siobhan and even now throughout my pregnancy Siobhan has been so supportive to us. She is a wonderfully kind and genuine person who truly cares about her clients. I would 100% recommend anyone with fertility difficulties to meet with Siobhan and give her methods a go.
The biggest thing I have learned on this process is what a miracle it is to be able to conceive and to carry a healthy baby to term. Often people can take it for granted. I also believe that the mind is so powerful and that for people with fertility struggles working to repair and strengthen the mind is just as important as taking medicines and treatment for physical issues with the body. The last thing I learned is not to lose sight of you and your partner and the importance of your relationship along the way. Fertility struggles can be tough and all consuming and therefore it is so important to make time for you as a couple during this journey because when your baby does decide to come to you...as a couple you need to make sure you are strong and happy and ready for whatever new challenges lie ahead.
Thanks for everything Siobhan. Xx Aoife and Ken (Dublin)